Horay, horay! It's a feast day today and our BBLS3 teams will be cooking! The question? Who will cook and who will be cooked? It's a leap day, what luck would it bring to our hardcore ballers? Each team would need more than luck if they want to keep their record straight!
Get up! Stand strong! Ballers, Game day today!
Day Four Recap!
Team Clubhouse evens the standing together with Team Evergreen, both now sharing the number two spot. Team Evergreen did not give up easy, their clean record. But Clubhouse boys shows who holds the broom and display some strength at the end of the game! Team Ollie was in control of the game until the last minutes where all the wrong decisions happened. Tito's of Team Calathea took advantage of all the rookie mistakes winning the game only by a strand of hair. Team Alder was on a different level, playing as a well-oiled machine team against Team Maple. Alder gang lost counting as they blow Maple away out of the four corners of Birchwood Arena.
Like we said, it's a feast day today! See you at the mid-season celebration. Potluck for all! Celebrate with your idols, celebrate with all the teams as we hit the mid-season mark of the league! Share your blessings and share some love as the BBLS3 family celebrate brotherhood with food and drinks!