Extending the valentine love feels to our fourth triple match day of #BBLS3. Sure love conquers all but, the head-to-head matchup will have to set their soft hearts aside as they put on their intense faces up against their rival!
Get up! Stand up! Ballers, Game day today!
Third Day Recap!
Team Evergreen takes on the driver seat as they give team Maple a drop of their everlasting evergreen sweat! Thus, keeping a clean record triple win with zero loss! Team Calathea, showing some might against Team Alder, pinning them on the ground and erasing their hopes for a first win sunshine. Team Ollie tried to keep up with the fast paced energy of Team Clubhouse, only find Team Ollie eating dirt as the Clubhouse boys sweeps them out of the court.
All in all, exciting games today! Check out the team banners already waving on the sides of the arena. Continue spreading the love at the court invite the whole family and all your friends have them chillax at the courtside and enjoy anticipated nail-biting games!