12:15 pm - (5) Lakers vs. (12) Grizzlies
The Lakers (7-4) defeated the Grizzlies (0-11) back in Week 5 by a score of 100-67
The Lakers' top two performers are Brian Hernandez (27.2 ppg) and Tone Brooks (17.3 ppg)
The Grizzlies' top two performers are Patrick Allen (17.9 ppg) and Tre'Shon Baldon-Ames (10.7 ppg)

1:20 pm - (6) Kings vs. (11) Pacers
The Kings (6-5) defeated the Pacers (1-10) back in Week 10 by a score of 81-66
The Kings' top two performers are Jamir Hinds (16.6 ppg) and CJ Link (13.9 ppg)
The Pacers' top two performers are Jamari Washington (17.4 ppg) and Kawani Blackman (12.5 ppg)

2:25 pm - (7) Celtics vs. (10) Bulls
The Celtics (5-6) were defeated by the Bulls (3-8) back in Week 2 by a score of 71-63
The Celtics' top two performers are Billy Baptist (20.1 ppg) and Jonathan Townsend (17.4 ppg)
The Bulls' top two performers are Benito Munoz (21.7 ppg) and Seth Johnson (19.3 ppg)

3:30 pm - (8) Bucks vs. (9) Knicks
The Bucks (5-6) defeated the Knicks (4-7) back in Week 11 by a score of 66-60
The Bucks' top two performers are Aleks Malinic (18.8 ppg) and Blake Graham (14.9 ppg)
The Knicks' top two performers are Braijon Thomas (16.5 ppg) and Quon Shaw (16.1 ppg)

4:45 pm - (4) Nets vs. winner of (5) Lakers / (12) Grizzlies
The Nets (8-3) lost to the Lakers 73-63 in Week 7, while they defeated the Grizzlies 90-41 in Week 10
The Nets' top two performers are Martavias Laster (22.3 ppg) and Sammie Hines (12.5 ppg)

5:40 pm - (3) Suns vs. winner of (6) Kings / (11) Pacers
The Suns (8-3) defeated the Kings 78-62 in Week 6, while they defeated the Pacers 106-77 in Week 11
The Suns' top two performers are Ryan Kvasnicka (25.5 ppg) and Jared Johnson (23.7 ppg)

6:45 pm - (2) Heat vs. winner of (7) Celtics / (10) Bulls
The Heat (8-3) defeated the Celtics 59-51 in Week 9, while they defeated the Bulls 66-56 in Week 5
The Heat's top two performers are Terrell Hendrix (20.5 ppg) and Alonzo King (7.5 ppg)

7:50 pm - (1) Spurs vs. winner of (8) Bucks / (9) Knicks
The Spurs (11-0) defeated the Bucks 93-52 in Week 7, while they defeated the Knicks 100-66 in Week 5
The Spurs' top two performers are Dennis Koger (19.7 ppg) and Latrell Tidwell (15.4 ppg)