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K1 Men's Basketball League

Kankakee First Church Men's League - Spring 2022
Last Games
BOS 53
PHX 81
Sun May 01 @ 1:30 PM
SAS 57
BKN 41
Sun May 01 @ 2:45 PM
SAS 77
PHX 62
Sun May 01 @ 4:00 PM

Men's Basketball League at Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene

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• Teams will be seeded 1-12 for the playoff tournament based on:
1. Overall Record
2. Head-to-Head Results (Between Teams with Identical Records)
3. Head-to-Head Results (Going From Top to Bottom in the League Standings)
4. Point Differential in H2H Matchup(s)


Rosters: Final rosters are due from each coach by midnight on December 22nd, 2021. Each coach will fill out their roster on Google Sheets. All coaches must have submitted the $750 team entry fee to the K1 church office, as well as the necessary sponsorship information for the team. If a team does not turn in the necessary information, they may be removed from the league.

Guarantee: Barring any unforeseen circumstances, every team will receive eleven regular season games, as well as entry to a single elimination postseason tournament, starting April 24th.

Uniforms: Each team has a designated uniform, and players must wear their assigned uniform in order to play – no exceptions. If a replacement shirt is needed, contact Jonathan or Marcell. Please give us 2-3 weeks to order/receive replacement shirts. Replacement shirts will cost $25.

Warmup: The gym will be open to use on Sunday’s starting at 11:00 am. Teams may warmup once the game before them ends, and must be ready to tipoff at the designated start time.

Number of Players: A team must have a minimum of four players on the court at all times to be able to play, otherwise they will subject to forfeit. If a team does not have four players on the court at the game’s designated start time, the clock will begin to run, and the opposing team will receive two points for every minute that ticks off the clock. If the team is then able to field four or more players at some point during the first half, the game will begin at that point. The clock will continue to run, and the points that were added on the scoreboard will not be taken off.

Game Length: Two 20-minute halves. Running clock for first half, and for the first 18 minutes of the second half. The clock will stop in the final two minutes of the second half.

Overtime: A two-minute OT period with stopped clock during the regular season. Subsequent two-minute OT periods will be played as necessary. Five-minute OT periods during the playoffs.

Timeouts: Each team receives three 45-second timeouts per game. The clock stops during these.

Substitutions: Substitutions will be allowed on dead balls, per college rules.

Language: Inappropiate language will not be tolerated in the K1 League. Players/teams are subject to technical fouls for the use of inappropriate language. Officials may assign a language warning to a player/team after the first offense, but have the right to assign a technical foul at any point.

Technical Fouls: If a player receives two technical fouls, he will be disqualified from the current contest, and could be subject to further discipline from the league, including suspension or even removal from the league. This decision will be made by the league commissioner, and he may consulate with members of the officiating crew, scorer’s table, and/or pastoral staff. At any point, K1 Sports reserves the right to fine, suspend, or remove players from the league due to inappropiate conduct.

Dunking: In-game dunking is allowed. We ask that you do not dunk before or after games. Players that break this rule may be subject to a technical foul, as we aim to protect our hoops and facility.

Jump Balls: There will be a jump ball to start the first half and each new overtime period.

College Rules: Any other decisions or rules on gameplay, that have not been specified here, will be governed by college basketball rules. We will follow a five-second, “closely-guarded” rule, because we do not have a shot clock. Free throws will be played on the release.