Got My 5 League
No immediately upcoming games. See full schedule
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Put Up or Shut Up better known as PUSU is a 2-day event that comes around once a year. This event includes 8 teams, 7 players each randomly selected through a drafting process. Each season 8 teams fight for the chance to be crowned champions in the toughest 2 game elimination tournament.. Champions receive rings, trophies and more.

Sign up deadline: Sunday, April 6th
Winners receive:
• FREE return admission
• Championship Rings
• Trophy
• Championship shirts
• Post game interview

Put “none” if you don’t have one.
Date of Birth
7 players per team.

All payments must include full name in description. Reminder payments are non refundable. Tax is applied to all payments.

All payments must include full name in description. Reminder payments are non refundable. Tax is applied to all payments.

All payments must include full name in description. Reminder payments are non refundable. Tax is applied to all payments.

Please make sure this is a working number

Once the dates are posted please clear your schedule. No dates will be changed.

This event does include a 3pt contest.

Failure to attend will eliminate your chances of participation.
Choose a headshot with a single color background