Bucks @ Warriors · Jun 24 4:00 PM
Jun 24
4:00 PM
The Salvation Army Santa Clara Church Gym
86 - 112
Welcome to the homepage for TSA Santa Clara Basketball.
![](https://scontent.fsnc1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17264813_1852106628381945_4050919121607440919_n.jpg?oh=00d14904d457ab788c16e0287a029f6d&oe=59F2026C) The TSA Santa Clara Basketball league is a 4 on 4 men's league. Each season will consist regular season games, All Star Night, and Playoffs. We would like to bring a feel of the NBA to a small scale. We also have League MVP, Offensive Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, All TSA First team and 2nd team awards. Champions recieve discounted fee for the following season and a championship t-shirt. We are a Christian organization and expect respectful and competetive play.