Camp Allsport

8th Grade Basketball

Last Games
T2 15
T3 18
Mon Aug 12 @ 09:51AM
T3 --
T1 --
Mon Aug 12 @ 10:31AM

Team Standings

Teams are ranked by the following methods in order, with the next method used only for tiebreakers for teams still tied from preceding methods.

All Teams

RankTeamGPWLTPctPts-FPts-A+/-Avg Pts-FAvg Pts-AAvg +/-W/L Streak
1Team 1139400.6923422776526.321.35.0W-1
2Team 3139400.6923092377223.818.25.5W-4
3Team 21421200.143200337-13714.324.1-9.8L-3