Camp Allsport

7th Grade Football

Last Games
T4 25
T1 12
Tue Aug 06 @ 11:11AM
T3 27
T2 22
Tue Aug 06 @ 11:11AM

Team Standings

Teams are ranked by the following methods in order, with the next method used only for tiebreakers for teams still tied from preceding methods.

All Teams

RankTeamGPWLTPctPts-FPts-A+/-Avg Pts-FAvg Pts-AAvg +/-W/L Streak
1Team 387100.8751971237424.615.49.2W-6
2Team 284310.5621781631522.220.41.9L-1
3Team 482510.312179207-2822.425.9-3.5W-1
4Team 182600.250168229-6121.028.6-7.6L-2