Camp Allsport

4C + 4D Football

Last Games
T3 8
T1 24
Mon Aug 05 @ 09:20AM
T4 12
T2 24
Mon Aug 05 @ 09:20AM

Team Standings

Teams are ranked by the following methods in order, with the next method used only for tiebreakers for teams still tied from preceding methods.

All Teams

RankTeamGPWLTPctPts-FPts-A+/-Avg Pts-FAvg Pts-AAvg +/-W/L Streak
1Team 484400.500168188-2021.023.5-2.5L-2
2Team 184400.5001621501220.218.81.5W-2
3Team 284400.5001581302819.816.23.5W-1
4Team 384400.500122142-2015.217.8-2.5L-1