Camp Allsport

4A + 4B Football

Last Games
T4 19
T3 26
Mon Aug 05 @ 12:52PM
T2 37
T1 25
Mon Aug 05 @ 12:52PM

Team Standings

Teams are ranked by the following methods in order, with the next method used only for tiebreakers for teams still tied from preceding methods.

All Teams

RankTeamGPWLTPctPts-FPts-A+/-Avg Pts-FAvg Pts-AAvg +/-W/L Streak
1Team 1 (David and Keith)86200.7502622055732.825.67.1L-1
2Team 2 (Jacob and Jake)96300.6672782067230.922.98.0W-3
3Team 3 (Eddie)94500.444217252-3524.128.0-3.9W-1
4Team 4 (Evan)81700.125165259-9420.632.4-11.8L-4