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Parent Organization

Para Bellum Battle League

The Para Bellum Battle League is the premier competition of the Para Bellum Victorian Community and is always looking to increase activity as well as the development of skills and competitiveness within the community.
Last Games
Impе --
Sat Mar 04 @ 2:15 PM

Team Standings

Teams are ranked by standing points. A team is awarded

All Teams

RankTeamGPWLTStd. PntsPctPts-FPts-A+/-Avg Pts-FAvg Pts-AAvg +/-W/L Streak
1Viceroyalty of New Iberia000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Republic of China000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Unitеd Kingdοm οf Grеаt Britain000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Império do Brasil000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Königliche Preußisches Armee000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Imperial Rhine Army000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Tosa Domain000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Κoninkrijk Der Νederlanden000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Impеriо Espаñоl000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1République Socialiste de France000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Regio Esercito Piemontese000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1The Gothic Kingdom of Crimea000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Tirol-Österreich Union000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1British Free State000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A
1Kingdom of Norway000000.0000000.00.00.0N/A