We will be sorting teams this weekend. All team rosters will be posted on this site Monday. I am working on an exciting preseason event for all high school knights. This event is being planned for Friday Dec 20th. Stay tune.....more info to come on this soon.
1st night of practices will be Thursday Dec 12th.
2nd night of practice will be Tuesday Dec 17th.
Practice times are 6pm for 2 teams and 7:30 for the other 2 teams. The practice times will also be posted on website once teams have been selected.

We are working on getting all of this ironed out and finalized but the snow has pushed us back a few days on completing things.
I am very energized by the turn out this year and the fact that we have 4 teams and our own league. I can't say enough about the other coaches who volunteer their time and put a lot of effort into making this league possible.

Have a great season everyone and look for more info this weekend about preseason event and rosters