Firedavid0 - 05/12/2017

In the first 2 games of the series (game 1 and game 2) it looked like the heat were about to sweep the magic easily with the heat having a +72 differential the magic knew something had to change in game 3 if they wanted to avoid a 3-0 sweep.
But game 3 came and as I was watching the game the magic's defense stand out in the 1st Qtr and the magic making 32/50 3s all game which was a huge factor in game 3 with light and Tony leading the win(edited)
So the series was now 2-1 and Miami adjusted their lineup and the heat got off to a great start leading us much as 20 Pts and in the 4th Qtr the magic looked like they have given up or that is what we assume with under 3 mins to go the magic were down by 14 and were able to rally back and were down by 6 with Tony taking the 3 making a possible 3 point game but blocked and the heat win 131-127
And here is why I believe the magic should be trying to keep their roster, reports first reported by(yours truly me) that light is strongly considering reuniting with stix in s5, but also talking in the post game interview with bravo he's expressed that he will try everything to persuade light to comeback to the magic in s5. Looking at this magic team they look good with bravo,Tony,Kara
But in order for this team to win a championship they will need light in s5 and add some more help like possibly trying to get stix in s5 although highly unlikely, if the magic can keep light and add another scorer to the roster as well as some changes to the bench then they will have a chance to be a contender in the east, but it remains to be seen