Girls-AAU Bball

Name: Don Yudiski
Maryland Mustangs
2015 Girls AAU Basketball

The Forest Hill MD Mustangs Girls AAU Basketball Program is seeking players for the
2015 season in the following grades:
3rd-4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and HS (9-12)

Download Tryout Registration Form Here
Please fill out and bring to tryout.

On the behalf of the MD Mustangs program, we would like to congratulate the following girls for making their respective AAU teams for the 2015 Spring Season.

Sanschagrin (5th)
Rhianna Betley
Olivia Bremer
Mackenzie Burns
Devin LaRocque
Molly McGraw
Madison Sanschagrin
Mackenzie Sanschagrin
Mandy Schall
Rachel Taylor
Miranda Turner

Keehan (6th)
Abby Baummer
Amanda Bryant
Kendall Drzik
Smantha Forte
Kylan Keehan
Paige Medinger
Patra Tamaris
Lydia Thomas
Natalie Webster

Hosza (7-8th)
Chailey Atkins
Julia Burrier
Allyson Hosza
Emma Lochotzki
Taylor Martino
Rachel Parr
Anna Rupp
Megan Stein
Samantha Wehmer
Marisa Ziegler

Browning (9-10th)

Yudiski (11-12th)

Please contact Don Yudiski, Girls Director and AAU Coordinator at 410-638-2448 or for additional information.

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