Boys-AAU Bball
Maryland Mustangs
2015 Boys AAU Basketball
The Forest Hill MD Mustangs Boys AAU Basketball Program is seeking players for the
2015 season in the following grades:
6th If interested, please come out Monday 3/23/15 at Churchville Rec. Center from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
On the behalf of the MD Mustangs program, we would like to congratulate the following boys for making their respective AAU teams for the 2015 Spring Season.
4th Grade - Coach Hubbard
Tylan Bass
Dylan Geahr
Michael Larson
Jayden Oliver
Nehemiah Ramsey
Josh Stinspring
Aiden Wise
Rex Romain
Raul Hubbard
Ernest Hankerson
Dylan Cadigan
6th Grade - TBD
7th Grade - Coach Ziegler
Jaiden Jakubowski
Adam Bruck
Michael Austin
James Ziegler
Jashaun Williams
Aiden Moran
Ian Truitt
TJ Lowery
Michael "MJ" Cummings
Khoury Harris
Roman Turner
9th Grade - Coach Thames / Jadgman
Tracey Brown
Caleb Riley
Max Rodriguez
Nasiru Olushola
Jeffrey Hall
Noah Jagdman
Josh Haggerty
Christian Jagdman
Jeff Hosier
Connor Draper
10th Grade - Coach Thames
Khalil Thames
Cameron Isaacs
Ali Husain
Tyler Sherman
Austin Daniels
Treyvon Oliver
Will Pinckney
Mahad Quraishi
Patrick Hauf
Robbie Brooks
For complete and up to date information daily, join our Facebook
page at: - Click "like"
For additional information, please contact:
Trent Thames - Boys Director and AAU Coordinator
410-262-6983 or