Registration is filling up FAST! REGISTER NOW!!!

- Must have 7 Team Members to register as a team(No More, No Less)
- Only Team Captains can register the team, Team members do not need to register
- To Take advangage of Online Registration Team Captains MUST be a current member of the YMCA,
but you need not be a member of the YMCA to participate or register your team.

If you are not a member and still wish to register, simply Call or go to the Pittsfield YMCA Branch and ask to register your team.
Phone Number is: (413) 499-7650
- Must have 8 manditory pieces of information from all of your players (to Register):
1)Full Government Name 2) Height 3)Weight 4)DOB 5)Age 6)Current Cell Phone Number 7)Email Address 8)Position Played
- Team captain is resonsible for Paying for team registration (Collecting money from teammates, obtaining sponsorship etc)
and entering every teammates information.
- 1st 8 teams to register and pay will be taken, all other teams will be on a waiting list

- To Take advangage of Online Registration individuals/Draftees MUST be a current member of the YMCA
but you need not be a member of the YMCA to participate or register.
If you are not a member and still wish to register, simply Call or go to the Pittsfield YMCA Branch and ask to register as an individual
to the Adult Basketball League.
Phone Number is: (413) 499-7650
- Must have 8 manditory pieces of information from all of your players (to Register):
1)Full Government Name 2) Height 3)Weight 4)DOB 5)Age 6)Current Cell Phone Number 7)Email Address 8)Position Played

What is the advantage of coming as a member of a team or as an individual/drafted player?
- Drafted players have to try out and be picked by team captains on draft day
- Drafted players are only guaranteed to play 1/4 of each game
- Drafted players have minimal say on the structure and style of the team they are drafted to
- Drafted players are expected to support and go along with the style and system of the team captain that they are picked by.
- Team members have no minimum play time, all play time goes though the team captain.
- Team members do not need to try out or be picked by a team

Online Registration Instructions
1) Click here:>>
2) Click "Manage My Account" Top Right,
3) In the Login or Find Your Account Section enter your email address or phone number associated with your YMCA Account
4) Click the " [SUBMIT] " Button
5) Enter Your password or get a one time code sent to your email or texted to your cell phone
6) Click the " [ ] Keep me logged in " toggle and click the " [LOGIN] " Button
7) If you forgot your pasword you can get a one time code sent to your email or texted to your cell phone or get a voice call
8) You should be logged in and see your YMCA profile picture
9) Click the "PROGRAMS" Menu opton at the top right side of the page Between "LOCATIONS" and "SCHEDULES"
10) Scroll Down and find the " [Adult Programs] " Section in the middle of the page also available under " [Adult Sports] " click the [Menu/Button]
It should highlight as you hover over the menus
11) In the Adult Progam Options you should find two options: 1. Adult Basketball Team 2025 2. Adult Basketball Individual 2025
12) If you are a team captain registering your team click the Team Option
13) If you are an Individual player registering for the Draft, click the Individual Option
14) On the next screen you will see the details about the registration and an option to " [REGISTER] " Button, with the price of registration above it.
15) You may have to select yourself is there is more than one member in your family on the next screen
16) Click " [Accept and Sign] " Button at the bottom right of the screen to Accept the Waiver and in order to take part in our league
17) If you need to read the waiver before signing it click the link and find the Pittfsield Branch "Waiver of Liablility"
18) Sign your signature in the Signature Box with your mouse or finger tip and click the " [I AGREE] " Button
19) Pay the registration fee using your credit card/debit card.