KOI Basketball League Rules
Each team must have minimum 2 of each gender on court at all times.
ex. 3 males & 2 females or 2 males & 3 females.

Our rules are based on the FIBA rules with our own modifications. Special rules are specified below.

Games will be two 22 minute halves. The clock will only be stopped during time outs, and the final 2 minutes of the second half if the score is within 15.
A 5 minute grace period from the scheduled tip off time will be given, if a team does not have at least FIVE players present on the floor at the scheduled game time. Players will start the game short.

Games will be started ON TIME, please arrive 10 mins EARLY to avoid delays in games.
Overtime will be 2 minutes (with a stop clock for the final minute).
The foul count will carry on from the second half into the overtime.

The team that loses the jump ball gets the next possession with the arrow then going back and forth for the remainder of the game. A jump ball takes place in every overtime period.

During the regular season and playoffs, a team is given 2 timeouts per game. 1 per half. A team is given an additional timeout for each overtime period played.
A team can only call timeout on a dead ball (out of bounds counts as dead ball). The timeout is given once the referee acknowledges the call from a player on the team. Timeouts are 60 seconds in length. Timeouts cannot be called during live game play.

In the interest of promoting safety and fair play, the following regulation applies to male players blocking shots by female players within the painted area:
Male players are strictly PROHIBITED from being airborne/jumping to defend against female players within the key/painted area. Note that non-jumping blocks are permissible; both feet must stay planted.
Infringement of this rule will be treated as a team foul, resulting in the awarding two points to the opposing team.
Maintaining a legal defensive position is allowed, provided that the male player does not jump in an attempt to block a female player's shot.
Regular blocking foul/shooting fouls are still awarded with 2 free throws.

The purpose of this rule is to minimize the risk of injuries and ensure the smooth operation of games within the league. Compliance with this rule is mandatory and non-negotiable.

Each player has 5 fouls, free throw bonus is on the 8th team foul.
Team will play short if players foul out.
Unsporting fouls will be automatic 2 points and possession of the ball.

Code of conduct
Safe conduct on and off the court, we do not condone violence of any kind.
Respectful towards other players and staff.
Any players involved violence incidents will be suspended based on the league's discretion.
Be respectful of the facility and environment.
Follow the rules of the game. Please read our house rules online.
Communication between players, staff, referees are always welcome. The proper channel to voice concerns and complaints is referees and staff members (Will, Alvin, Matt, Pam).

The shot clock is 30 seconds. Officials also have the authority to call a shot clock based on their count. 10 sec to advance to front court.

Players must report to mid court and notify the scorer’s table before substituting into the game.
No substitution for other teams in the league.

Players must log 3 games out of 8 games to qualify for playoffs.
Players must show up to games (even sitting on the bench) to count toward attendance, simply putting player names on your roster does not count.
*Deadline for adding players will be your team’s 6th game, so NO new players will be allowed to play at your game 7.
*New player means he/she did not show up to at least 1 game during your first 6 games.

Teams must be ready to play on time with all players on the court wearing the same color, and numbered uniforms (individual numbers, no repeated numbers), no taped numbers. Players without proper uniforms WILL NOT have their stats recorded and said player’s attendance WILL NOT be counted.
No swapping jerseys during mid-game
League reversible jerseys are on sale!!
$45 to $40 each, please contact league coordinators to purchase. Limited Size & Number
We have rental jerseys on site, $5 per game, return after game.

*MVP selection *
Team captains will vote the female and male MVPs.
Sportsmanship award selection
League Staff and referees and volunteers will select the Sportsmanship awards.
Final MVP selection
League organizers will select the Final MVP.

According to the standings posted on our RecLeague page.

We are open to all suggestions and feedback,
drop us a line at koibasketballleague@gmail.com