Note: This site has been archived by it's owner. You may be looking at an old league or team site.
Last Games
MIN 60
DG 64
Sun Sep 24 @ 03:30PM
Sunday July 30, 2023
CM 60
AVE 48
Time Team Play
Start of Game
6:12:29 PM Aldrix aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:12:30 PM Aldrix aniceto - FT Made
6:12:32 PM Aldrix aniceto - FT Made
6:13:14 PM Kio Nickel - Steal
6:13:21 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:13:28 PM Kio Nickel - Rebound
6:13:35 PM Kio Nickel - 2-pt FG Made
6:13:57 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:14:04 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:14:14 PM Karim hilali - Rebound
6:14:16 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Rebound
6:14:39 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Assist
6:14:41 PM Kio Nickel - 2-pt FG Made
6:14:53 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:14:53 PM #24 Alex segundo - 2-pt FG Made
6:15:06 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Rebound
6:15:23 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Assist
6:15:25 PM Karim hilali - 2-pt FG Made
6:15:44 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Rebound
6:16:15 PM #03 Yashar Kiriash - Assist
6:16:17 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 2-pt FG Made
6:16:23 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Foul
6:16:50 PM #08 Allen aniceto - FT Made
6:17:17 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 2-pt FG Made
6:17:20 PM #03 Yashar Kiriash - Assist
6:17:30 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:17:35 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Rebound
6:17:48 PM Aldrix aniceto - Rebound
6:17:58 PM Kio Nickel - Foul
6:18:20 PM #08 Allen aniceto - FT Made
6:18:29 PM #08 Allen aniceto - FT Made
6:18:47 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Rebound
6:18:56 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Rebound
6:19:28 PM Aldrix aniceto - Rebound
6:19:29 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Steal
6:19:36 PM Aldrix aniceto - Steal
6:19:42 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:19:51 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Assist
6:19:53 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 2-pt FG Made
6:20:00 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Rebound
6:20:31 PM #06 Kay tachibana - 2-pt FG Made
6:20:44 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:20:53 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Steal
6:20:54 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:21:06 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Assist
6:21:10 PM Kio Nickel - 3-pt FG Made
6:21:16 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:21:35 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Foul
6:22:13 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:22:22 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Steal
6:22:29 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Assist
6:22:32 PM #02 Jaden Procter - 2-pt FG Made
6:22:47 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Rebound
6:23:07 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Rebound
6:23:15 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Assist
6:23:16 PM #02 Palmer Currie - 3-pt FG Made
6:23:37 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:23:49 PM #04 Channy brar - Rebound
6:24:47 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:25:03 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Rebound
6:25:10 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Rebound
6:25:20 PM Kio Nickel - Assist
6:25:22 PM #02 Jaden Procter - 3-pt FG Made
6:25:28 PM CW Music Timeout
6:26:44 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Steal
6:27:06 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Foul
6:27:37 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Rebound
6:27:48 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Assist
6:27:49 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 3-pt FG Made
6:28:27 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Assist
6:28:28 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 2-pt FG Made
6:28:31 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Block
6:28:51 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 2-pt FG Made
6:29:02 PM Argel blas - Rebound
6:29:08 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:29:31 PM Argel blas - Rebound
6:29:39 PM #24 Alex segundo - Foul
6:30:38 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Foul
6:30:57 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - FT Made
6:31:10 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - FT Made
6:31:29 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:31:37 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 2-pt FG Made
6:31:41 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Foul
6:32:04 PM Karim hilali - Rebound
6:32:04 PM Karim hilali - 2-pt FG Made
6:32:23 PM #03 Yashar Kiriash - Assist
6:32:24 PM #09 Justs Fedler - 3-pt FG Made
6:32:31 PM Argel blas - Assist
6:32:34 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:32:44 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Block
6:32:45 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:32:55 PM Karim hilali - Rebound
6:32:55 PM Karim hilali - Rebound
6:33:40 PM Argel blas - Assist
6:33:42 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:34:06 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Foul
Start of H2
6:37:15 PM Argel blas - Assist
6:37:16 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 2-pt FG Made
6:37:37 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:37:45 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Rebound
6:38:09 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Steal
6:38:13 PM Argel blas - Steal
6:38:21 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Assist
6:38:23 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 2-pt FG Made
6:38:42 PM Argel blas - Foul
6:38:52 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:39:08 PM Karim hilali - Assist
6:39:09 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 2-pt FG Made
6:39:26 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Block
6:39:41 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:39:48 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Block
6:40:34 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Assist
6:40:35 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:40:56 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Foul
6:41:07 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Rebound
6:41:17 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Block
6:41:33 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Assist
6:41:35 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 3-pt FG Made
6:41:51 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Foul
6:42:09 PM #02 Palmer Currie - FT Made
6:42:22 PM #02 Palmer Currie - FT Made
6:42:29 PM Kio Nickel - Steal
6:42:38 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Rebound
6:42:51 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Foul
6:43:18 PM #24 Alex segundo - Rebound
6:43:57 PM Aldrix aniceto - Foul
6:44:22 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - FT Made
6:44:26 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:44:29 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Block
6:44:30 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:44:35 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Assist
6:44:39 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 2-pt FG Made
6:44:40 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Foul
6:45:19 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Steal
6:45:23 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Steal
6:45:32 PM Kio Nickel - Rebound
6:45:51 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Rebound
6:46:07 PM Karim hilali - Assist
6:46:08 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - 2-pt FG Made
6:46:24 PM #06 Kay tachibana - Foul
6:46:41 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - FT Made
6:46:51 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - FT Made
6:47:03 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Foul
6:47:27 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Rebound
6:47:43 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:47:49 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Assist
6:47:51 PM #24 Alex segundo - 2-pt FG Made
6:48:02 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:48:19 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:48:52 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Foul
6:49:15 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Foul
6:49:35 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Rebound
6:49:36 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:50:00 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Steal
6:50:15 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Foul
6:50:46 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - FT Made
6:51:18 PM Aldrix aniceto - Rebound
6:51:28 PM #09 Justs Fedler - Rebound
6:51:35 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:51:41 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Rebound
6:51:46 PM Argel blas - Steal
6:52:00 PM Karim hilali - Rebound
6:52:01 PM Karim hilali - 2-pt FG Made
6:52:20 PM Aldrix aniceto - Rebound
6:52:25 PM Aldrix aniceto - Assist
6:52:28 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:52:30 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Foul
6:52:52 PM #08 Allen aniceto - FT Made
6:53:11 PM Aldrix aniceto - Foul
6:53:28 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - FT Made
6:53:40 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Steal
6:53:49 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Assist
6:53:51 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - 2-pt FG Made
6:54:15 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Foul
6:54:24 PM CW Music Timeout
6:55:16 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Assist
6:55:17 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 3-pt FG Made
6:56:01 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 3-pt FG Made
6:56:04 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Assist
6:56:20 PM Karim hilali - Assist
6:56:21 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:56:29 PM #08 Allen aniceto - Foul
6:57:05 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
6:57:49 PM #02 Jaden Procter - Foul
6:57:56 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - FT Made
6:58:10 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - FT Made
6:58:23 PM Argel blas - Rebound
6:59:25 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
6:59:36 PM Argel blas - Assist
6:59:38 PM #08 Allen aniceto - 2-pt FG Made
7:00:14 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Assist
7:00:22 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - Assist
7:00:23 PM #02 Palmer Currie - Foul
7:00:41 PM Argel blas - FT Made
7:00:46 PM #97 Jodhan Uppal - 3-pt FG Made
7:00:51 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
7:00:57 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Assist
7:00:59 PM Karim hilali - 2-pt FG Made
7:01:04 PM #00 Joel Wollenberg - Rebound
7:01:11 PM #13 Kaz Nickel - Foul
7:01:32 PM Argel blas - FT Made
7:01:48 PM Karim hilali - Rebound
End of Game
CW Music 60 - 48 Avengers
Avengers (2-6-0)
Player FGM 2PM 3PM FTM Reb Ast Fls T-Fls Stl Blk Pts PPR
Jaden Procter 2 1 1 0 3 2 3 0 0 0 5 11.8
Jodhan Uppal 9 5 4 4 4 2 2 0 1 1 26 38.0
Justs Fedler 1 0 1 0 4 3 2 0 4 1 3 22.5
Kaz Nickel 1 1 0 0 9 4 4 0 0 2 2 23.2
Kio Nickel 3 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 7 15.0
Palmer Currie 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 2 0 5 15.8
Yashar Kiriash 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4.5
Team Totals 17 9 8 6 25 17 13 0 9 4 48 --
CW Music (3-6-0)
Player FGM 2PM 3PM FTM Reb Ast Fls T-Fls Stl Blk Pts PPR
Aldrix aniceto 1 1 0 2 4 1 2 0 1 0 4 12.5
Alex segundo 2 2 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 4 12.8
Allen aniceto 8 8 0 4 3 2 3 0 0 0 20 26.8
Argel blas 0 0 0 2 3 4 1 0 2 0 2 15.8
Channy brar 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2
Joel Wollenberg 7 6 1 5 13 3 2 0 2 2 20 48.8
Karim hilali 4 4 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 8 20.0
Kay tachibana 1 1 0 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 2 6.0
Sam Rostaie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Team Totals 23 22 1 13 39 14 13 0 5 2 60 --